Nlp sessions with Andrea Bond to help you make sense of your life.
I offer Anxiety Management and CBT in Chelmsford, Essex, to help you overcome those feelings that prevent you from fully living your life.

1 to 1 Anxiety Management Sessions

Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. Feeling anxious is perfectly normal.

But when anxiety becomes overwhelming and unmanageable and is accompanied with physical symptoms then it becomes an issue.

I have helped hundreds of anxiety sufferers all over the country and love having the opportunity to help people of all ages and personalities take back control of their lives.

Can you imagine how it would feel to not feel anxious about things you can't control?

  • the boss who might think your work could be better
  • the late delivery you need
  • the phone that might not ring
  • the person who might not like you
  • the job you might not get
  • the accident that might happen
  • the illness that you might get

How amazing would it be to be comfortable with all your emotions,

just as they are...and totally in control.

You can learn how to get your life back and be happy.

Get control and start living - It feels so empowering!

Be You again.

Life Coaching and Relationship Coaching with Andrea Bond in Chelmsford Essex

All About Your Anxiety Management Session

My experience as a Senior Staff Nurse and Occupational Health Nurse for Ford Motor Company means that I have years of medical experience in this field

and would love to be able to share this with you to help you jump off this anxiety train ride!

Here's what to expect:

~ In our first session we will talk about your anxiety experiences and how we can best work together, whether it be a combination of therapies as listed below or the CBT programme.

Your sessions will be tailored with your needs in mind. There is no one size fits all here. We are all different and have different needs.

~ I have over 35 helpful techniques and/or methods to help you when you feel anxious, panicky or overwhelmed. I can go through all of these with you and give you accompanying handouts to put in your own personal folder to take away. These methods have all helped my clients tremendously and they will help you too.

~ I will ask questions and listen so that I can get to know you and understand you - why, when and what causes you to feel anxious?

~ If appropriate, will work through some specific CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) exercises to change your thought patterns so that you get to experience the feelings you want

~ I will help you understand, in simple terms, what happens to your body when you get anxious - it really helps to have a medical professional explain this to you because once you understand the mechanism, you have control.

~ I will show you how you can use Mindfulness techniques for your own specific needs to stop your thoughts getting out of control.

~ I will use Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques to change your thinking patterns so that your reactions are no longer out of your control.

~ I will show you techniques that you can use for the rest of your life that will enable you to be the best you that you know is there!

~ I will teach you specific breathing techniques for anxiety so that you can stay in control, whatever the circumstances.

~ You will have my undivided attention and support throughout the process.

Your well-being is always my priority.

Coffees, Teas & biscuits are provided.

Individual Session Fees: 

1 hr £70.

30 min Pep Talk/Booster Call for existing clients only - £35

A 50% deposit is required to secure your appointment. Appointments cannot be held or saved for any length of time. 24 hrs notice is required to cancel/change your appointment or the full fee is charged and your deposit lost.


Anxiety Management and CBT

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

CBT focuses on how your thoughts and feelings influence your actions. It focuses very much on the present and the goal is to focus on changing your negative or irrational thoughts, in order to change your behaviour or mental state for a more positive outcome.

CBT works on the basis that emotional or behavioural problems are a result of incorrectly learned patterns of behaviour that have been formed from personal experience.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy aims to help you to re-evaluate your thoughts and behaviour by learning new patterns. By changing the patterns of thinking, your reaction can be altered.

Using new problem-solving techniques and learning new ways to make better decisions to help develop different patterns of thinking and behaviour, you will find a better way to move forward with your life.

CBT also helps challenge your negative or irrational thoughts so that you can replace them with rational ones.

You will go through different exercises with me and also complete exercises at home, such as journaling, meditation, thought processing, visualisation and breathing techniques. A minimum of 4 sessions are suggested.

Cbt for anxiety with Andrea Bond in Chelmsford Essex
Anxiety Management and CBT
Anxiety Management and CBT

"Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it."

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer