What’s more important? To be right, or to be happy?

As a life coach committed to guiding clients through the intricacies of relationships, I often find myself pondering a fundamental question: What holds greater significance—being right or being happy? This contemplation forms the bedrock of my Couples coaching sessions, leading partners toward a deeper understanding of their relationship dynamics.

In the intricate weave of relationships, the relentless pursuit of proving oneself right often overshadows the pursuit of happiness. Disputes surface, disagreements escalate, and tensions mount, all driven by the innate urge to triumph in an argument.

However, what if we were to hit the pause button and shift our focus from the need to be right towards the shared goal of finding happiness together?

This belief reverberates profoundly within Couples coaching. It’s about nurturing an environment where partners not only comprehend each other but also prioritise the collective pursuit of happiness over individual victories. The essence lies in navigating differences without sacrificing the profound joy that emanates from a harmonious relationship.

Embracing happiness in a relationship doesn’t mandate compromising personal beliefs. Instead, it involves seeking common ground while cherishing and respecting each other’s unique perspectives. This approach forms the cornerstone of a healthy, thriving relationship.

In my coaching sessions, I empower couples to assess their choices against their shared values. It’s about ensuring that their pursuit of happiness remains aligned with their fundamental principles. Together, we embark on a journey to strike a delicate balance between the innate desire to be right and the enduring pursuit of happiness, thereby cultivating resilient and fulfilling lives together.

Tips for Strengthening Relationships:


  1. Communication Is Key

   – Foster open, honest, and empathetic communication.

   – Listen actively without interrupting or judging.

   – Express feelings and needs clearly and respectfully.


  1. Prioritise Quality Time

   – Allocate dedicated time for meaningful interactions.

   – Engage in activities you both enjoy to strengthen the bond.

   – Disconnect from distractions and focus on each other.


  1. Practice Empathy and Understanding

   – Put yourself in your partner’s shoes to understand their perspective.

   – Validate their emotions, even if you don’t agree.

   – Communicate understanding and support.


  1. Embrace Compromise

   – Be willing to find middle ground during disagreements.

   – Understand that compromise doesn’t mean giving up your values, but finding solutions that work for both.


  1. Respect Each Other’s Individuality

   – Celebrate differences and individual strengths.

   – Support personal growth and encourage pursuing individual interests.


  1. Seek Help When Needed

   – Consider seeking counselling or coaching to navigate challenges effectively.

   – Be open to professional guidance to enhance your relationship.


John Gottman, a distinguished psychologist and revered authority on relationships, eloquently encapsulates the essence of teamwork within partnerships:


“In a true partnership, you argue side by side, not with each other.”


This statement embodies the spirit of collaboration and unity, emphasising the departure from an adversarial stance during disagreements.

In the realm of relationships, nurturing happiness becomes the cornerstone of resilience.

It’s not about eradicating differences but rather weaving them into the fabric of a partnership, where mutual happiness prevails over the individual quest for being right.


Together, let’s foster resilient relationships where joy, understanding, and shared values form the pillars of enduring happiness.


If you would like help in your relationship, then do contact me and I would love to help you on this new and enlightening journey.

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