Post Lockdown – Time For You To Make Changes?

Post Lockdown - Time for you to Make Changes?

This last few months, I’ve been giving pro bono virtual Coaching sessions to Key Workers and those who need it during this pandemic, and I’ve found that the presence and fear of Covid-19 and the lockdown have affected many people in different ways.
A common theme towards the end of the lockdown period has been that many of my clients have said that they have actually enjoyed some parts of the experience; some are not looking forward to ‘things getting back to normal’ at all, because of the fast pace of life starting again and the pressures of work etc. Many have decided that they need and want things to change as they have come to realise that the lives they had were not fulfilling.

They want more.

They want to be happy.

I can’t say, in all honesty, that I was surprised as I too have had thoughts of how going back to real life is going to be and I’ve asked myself, how is it going to affect the bubble I’ve come to feel quite chilled and calm in?
So, I wonder how many of you have had any revelations since this all started back in March?

For those of you who have been working from home instead of in your usual office environment, have you thought that working from home is much better for you?
It might be an easier, more flexible and more efficient way for you to work and maybe you don’t want to go back to the office?
So, what happens now? What are your options? Who can help you put a new working arrangement in place? Are your employer’s on board?
Is staying in your current job even an option now?
Do you even want to stay working in the same field? Maybe you fancy a complete change of direction – wow! That could be exciting or terrifying!
How have your relationships been? Has anyone surprised you with how supportive they’ve been to you?
Have you realized how much you’ve taken someone for granted or not shown them or told them how much you appreciate them for who they are and for how much they do for you?
Have you realised that you are with someone who you no longer love?
Have you realised that you really want to make some changes?
So, where do you start?
1. The first thing to realise is that no decisions should be rushed! If you’ve spent this long in a muddle then a few more days or weeks will give you more clarity and time to fully process all your options.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. But ultimately, only you know all the facts and how you feel. Only you know what is right for you.

So, you can listen and take on board what others say, but don’t allow yourself to be swayed or manipulated into going down a different path or changing your mind.

3. Take a step back. Try to see the situation as if from an outsider’s viewpoint. What would they see? What would they hear? What would they say? It may help you to get a different perspective.

4. What is it about the situation that’s not working? Is it something that you can change? If you can’t change it, how can you change how you react to it?

5. What is important to you? What are your core values?

Give me the top 5 things that you value most in your life, i.e. love, friendship, motivation, joy, calmness?

What are you missing?
6. What are your options. No matter how outlandish they seem, (sometimes the most left-field ones are the right ones), write them down and then put them in order of the best ones for you.
7. Are the best options viable? Can you afford them? Have you got the time to give them or the resources? Do you have the support to be able to carry them out?

No matter what the decision is that you make, remember that it will always be the right one for you at this time.

I can help you make that first step to take control of your future! Are you ready?

The great thing is that you have the choice to change anything in your life that is no longer serving you!

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